We're going to put this out into the universe right now: Studio Powers That Be, DO NOT push back these movies or pull them to streaming. Please. We're begging you.
TV stardom is a very particular thing. Even with the advent of streaming services, being a TV watcher often is a much more personal endeavor than being a film-goer because watching TV is an act that's always done in the privacy of one's home - at least until the movie theater business completely collapses.
Enstarz Presents A List Of 10 Great Trailers For Bad Movies. This list is dedicated to the talented men and women who work tirelessly every day to craft amazing trailers for the films we, the audience, are excited to see.
After waiting an agonizing six months between the release of the most recent season, the extended episodes of The Office Season 4 have finally dropped, and now we know more than ever.
Everyone knows the days after Christmas are for enjoying your new gifts and generally acting like a kid again. What better way to feel like a kid than with an animated movie?
There's been so much new stuff on streaming services and live TV alike that it's almost impossible to keep up with all of it. We've got you: Here's a definitive list of shows to watch for next season.
Queen Elizabeth II has one most hated word she refuses to use in any way. Queen Elizabeth II always gets the attention she deserves, and maybe that's why she has been careful with the words she uses in her communications.
Despite its ups and downs, the year 2021 provided us with several awesome TV series to keep ourselves busy with - the MCU hit hard this year, and new series like Squid Game captured our attention as we mourned the end of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
Comedy often comes from a place of sadness; having the willingness to embrace the uncomfortable moments by injecting levity into the situation is how we deal with our pain. Also, sometimes you just need a good cry.