
Look Who's Wearing "The Dancing Lady Emoji Dress"..!

Victoria Beckham and her stunning new set of wardrobe especially the dress inspired by an emoji is catching up with the Fashion Bloggers. Here's why her it's considered to be cool to strut her emoji stuff in Ireland.

Pants That Won't Irritate Your Food Baby On Thanksgiving

No more button-size dents in your stomach. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, which means that it's prime time to start thinking about what outfits to pack before heading to Grandma's house (or your mom's, dad's, significant other's -- whatever your situation is).

A Rat Was Found Sewn Into A Zara Dress

BRB, never wearing clothes again. People find weird stuff in their food all the time. Sure, it's disturbing and gross, but I think we're finally at a place with our food where something like finding a chicken head among our bucket of fried chicken isn't going to totally destroy everything you hold dear.
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