The American actor and producer got people talking when he appeared at the Hermanos Rodríguez racetrack, where the Mexico Grand Prix is held. Brad Pitt is currently in production on a film where he plays a Formula One Driver.
Kyle Sullivan claimed how the 'All That' cast attended a BBQ at producer Brian Peck's house that included gifts, photos, and letters from a serial killer.
On Amber Heard's part, this is enough to show that the abuse from Johnny Depp happened. The record of 911 call Amber Heard's friend reportedly made during the massive fight she had with Johnny Depp back in 2016 was released on Monday.
Brian Hickerson has been arrested again on Valentine's Day at 2:30 AM after the Teton Country Sheriff's Office responded to a disturbance between him and a 30-year-old female at a private residence in Jackson, Wyoming.
She was only six years old when the abuse happened, and a family friend did it. That family friend was alone a year older than her and revealed that her female abuser was "a very close person to her."