Captain America
There are a lot of plot lines that fans want to see in the next Captain America movie and while the directors have cut down one fan favorite, it seems like the story could still be something darker and bigger than the last movie. -
'Captain America 3' News: Movie Plot Could Be A Future Story With New Characters, But Won't Be In Line With Marvel Civil War Comics [VIDEO]
It seems like Captain America may have a new team of heroes to help him out following the next Avengers movie, but that doesn't necessarily mean the plot for the next movie will follow one of the more famous Marvel comics storylines, but that isn't ruling it out for the future. -
'Captain America 3' News: Directors Promise To 'Blow Our Minds' With Next Movie, Received First Draft Of Script A Few Days Ago [VIDEO]
The Russo brothers have been all over the place with promotion for the latest Captain America movie, but that doesn't mean they can't drop some hints at what fans can expect next from the next installment in the franchise. -
'Captain America 3' News: Chris Evans Won't Hang Up The Shield After Third Film, Says 'I Have A Few More Movies I Have To Finish First' [VIDEO]
It has been well known that Chris Evans would be leaving the Marvel world soon as Captain America in either the third movie or a third Avengers. But it seems like the actor still has some work to do with the role before he can give up the shield for good. -
'Captain America 3' Movie News: Phase 3 Is Very Interconnected, Directors Know Where Marvel Is Headed Past 'Avengers 2' [VIDEO]
It seems like two men in charge of the Captain America franchise know where Marvel is headed past Phase 3 and think it could be just as great as the first two. -
'Captain America 3' Movie News: Red Skull's Return A Possibility, But It Seems More Likely To Happen After The Third Film [VIDEO]
While there has been much speculation around the next Captain America movie, one rumor that has followed the franchise since its first film was the return of the Red Skull, who was teleported away during the final battle scene. Could the villain start his return in the next movie? -
'Captain America 3' Plot: Steve Rogers Creates New Hero Team At End Of 'Avengers 2,' Could Play A Role In Next Standalone Movie [VIDEO]
While one new team has already been teased for the next Captain America movie, could a completely new one also work its way into the plot after their revelation during the finale of the next Avengers movie? -
'Captain America 3' Rumors: Falcon & Cap Will Find Winter Soldier, Form A New Team To Fight Film's Villains [VIDEO]
With the emergence of both Falcon and the Winter Solider as a good guy, it seems like Captain America has a new team of fighters who could help with the next villain for the third movie. But how will the heroes get together and become a team before they fight? -
'Captain America 3' Movie News: Russo Brothers Say Steve Rogers' Story Will Be Concluded In Next Entry, Unsure If Chris Evans Is Done [VIDEO]
As was the case with the third Iron Man movie, it seems like the story of Steve Rogers and Captain America may wrap up in its third installment. But could that mean Chris Evans is moving on from the role? -
'Captain America 3' Movie News: Director Team Talks Storytelling, A 'Tragic Character,' & The Film Title [VIDEO]
With a predicted shooting start in April, it seems like more details will be coming for the third Captain America movie. The directors sat down for an interview and talked about what fans could expect with the next installment in the franchise. -
'Captain America 3' Plot Rumors: Directors Talk Key Role For The Winter Soldier In The Third Movie & His Filtered Realtionship With Steve Rogers [VIDEO]
While the Winter Soldier was more of a MacGuffin in the first movie, it seems like the directors are looking to make him a key player in the next Captain America movie. -
'Captain America 3' Movie News: Director Comments On 'Batman v Superman' Switching Spots, 'You Have Got To Show Up With A Good Movie' [VIDEO]
One of the big stories of 2016 was supposed to be May 6 when both the next Captain America movie and the Batman and Superman team-up film were going to be coming out the same day. DC unraveled that by switching the date on the latter and now a Marvel director has commented on the move. -
'Captain America 3' Movie News: Jeremy Renner Teases Appearance In Trilogy, Could Mean Black Widow Is Getting Her Own Film? [VIDEO]
After meeting him in 'The Avengers,' Hawkeye, played by Jeremy Renner, is probably the least known Avenger due to not showing up in other films and having audiences become more acquainted with the character. But it seems like that could change soon. -
'Captain America 3' Movie News: Chris Evans & Scarlett Johansson Contributing To The Script, Writer Teases 1950s Story [VIDEO]
With the script for the next Captain America movie being worked on now, writer Stephen McFeely teased a little bit of the work they were doing and who he has helping on the script this time around. -
'Captain America 3' Movie News: Screenwriters Talk Introducing Villain Modok, Crafting The Political Thriller & 70s Comics [VIDEO]
With the release of 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' on DVD and Blu-ray, screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely talked the sequel and what possible new faces would pop up in the third movie. -
'Captain America 3' Movie Spoilers: Sequel To Continue Steve/Bucky Relationship, Deal With More Politics [VIDEO]
While the main implications of 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' dealt with the deterioration of S.H.I.E.L.D., it also revealed that Steve Rogers' best friend, Bucky Barnes, was still alive and kicking as the Winter Solider. After saving Steve and getting away at the end of the film, will Bucky and Steve find each other again in 'Captain America 3'? -
'Captain America 3' Rumors: Directors Tease Story Ideas For Next Movie, Say It Will Build Off Of 'Winter Soldier' [VIDEO]
The Russo Brothers took a break from working on both 'Captain America 3' and a few episodes of 'Agent Carter' to talk about where they wanted to take Steve Roger's story in the next installment of the franchise. -
'Captain America 3' Movie News: Possible Villains For The Third Installment Could Include Modok, Flag-Smasher [VIDEO]
While it isn't until 2016, 'Captain America 3' is still on the forefront of everyone's minds after the second installment blew many people away. The writers of the upcoming feature talked recently about who they would like to see fight the Captain, and it looks like two names have popped up the most. -
'Captain America 3' Movie Spoilers: Possible Steve Rogers Could Die In 'Avengers 2,' The Winter Soldier May Don Shield [VIDEO]
Marvel revealed a lot of footage and props from their upcoming blockbuster, 'Avengers: Age of Ultron,' at Comic-Con but one such prop caused a lot of questions when it appeared at the Marvel booth. -
Marvel News 2014: Captain America Switching From Steve Rogers To Sam Wilson In Comics, Debuting In October [VIDEO]
A day after Thor became the Goddess of Thunder, Marvel is changing another one of their superheroes. -
Hottest Superheroes of All Time: Thor, Superman, Storm, Black Widow, Batman & More [PHOTOS]
In addition to saving the world, many of the most beloved superheroes are also supernaturally good-looking.