The social media network reportedly upgraded its processing features that will now recognize not just objects in the photos but scenes and actions even on posts shared without a single word.
Google and Facebook are taking extra measures to make sure that they provide the public with legitimate news after the growing controversy of misinformation spreading online.
The similarities are uncanny. Hey, Mark Zuckerberg, looks like you got some 'splainin' to do. Some clever folks at Buzfeed uncovered a striking similarity between Facebook's logo and a piece of art from the very first Shrek film.
Social media giant Facebook has announced a renewed war on clickbait articles. Facebook has waged a renewed war against clickbait articles, announcing a new algorithm that automatically detects which articles include phrases and words that seem designed to mislead readers and exaggerate content.
The beating of 16-year-old Nia Green, who was physically punished by her mother, has gone viral. Considering the contents of the video, it was quite unsurprising that netizens were effectively split.