Mark Hamill and Ted Cruz exchanged words on Twitter over a video of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, where the latter mocked net neutrality supporters. The Twitter squabble comes in the wake of FCC's recent decision to repeal regulations that protect net neutrality. -
FCC trashed plans of allowing phone calls on flights
FCC already dropped the application of allowing phone calls on an airplane. An application that will allow phone calls in an airplane is now trashed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). -
Internet service providers react as FCC discussed new privacy rules
More people are now spending more time on the Internet through smartphones, wearables and even smart appliances. -
Samsung Galaxy C7 Pro Obtained FCC Certification Indicating Imminent Release; Flagship Smartphone US Version Will Arrive Soon [VIDEO]
Samsung Electronics is slated to reveal another flagship handset which is dubbed as Samsung Galaxy C7 Pro. -
Samsung Electronics News: Samsung Galaxy S8, S8 Plus, J7 2017 Acquired FCC Certification Indicating Imminent Release; Specs, Features, Release Date Detailed [VIDEO]
The Samsung Galaxy S8, S8 Plus and J7 2017 received FCC indicating the devices' announcement is near. -
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 Release; FCC Reviews 3G Device for Upcoming US Launch [VIDEO]
The new Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 is reportedly being tested by the FCC and may be released soon in North America.
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