Oprah Winfrey aired her annual televised special "Oprah's Favorite Things," and shocked the show's viewers with her impressive list of elaborate gifts featured in the December 2012 issue of O: Oprah magazine. For this year's highly anticipated show, Winfrey selected military spouses- 29 women and one man- and flew them to Washington D.C for the biggest surprise of their life.Here are some of the many gifts they were awarded: Tempur-Cloud Supreme Mattress from TempurPedic, complete with 600-thread-count Egyptian-cotton sheets from Macy's Hotel Collection of bedding. Total value: $2,699 for the mattress, plus $1,500 for the bedding set. Seven truffle-flavored products, diamond necklaces, motorized bikes and elliptical machines, Ralph Lauren sweaters, Jessica Simpson shoes, Coach jackets and Michael Kors' sneakers.