President Obama
Details on the latest presidential poll numbers. With Election Day fast approaching, Mitt Romney remains in the lead over President Barack Obama. According to the latest Gallup poll on Monday Oct. -
Presidential Polls 2012; Latest Rasmussen Polls Show Romney Leading Three Points Over Obama
Latest information on Rasmussen's presidential polls. The latest presidential polls show Mitt Romney remaining in the lead against President Obama. -
Presidential Election 2012 News: Hurricane Sandy Alters Candidates' Campaign Trail
A looming Hurricane Sandy has brought a new level of uncertainty onto the 2012 presidential campaign trail, which will also serve to alter early voting opportunities just a mere nine days before Election Day. -
MTV Obama LIVE STREAM FREE: Watch Online 'Ask Obama Live: MTV Interview' 5 p.m. Oct 26 (WATCH HERE)
President Obama will appear in a live 30-minute special on all MTV channels on Friday, Oct. 26. The president will answer questions from young voters in-person in Washington D.C and through questions submitted to MTV's Facebook page. MTV's "Ask Obama Live" is a platform created by the network to allow both Obama, and GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney a chance to address young voters' concerns. Several topics of discussion may include educational and financial concerns including rising tuition costs and student loans and many and social issues. -
Presidential Election Polls 2012: Romney Closing Gap On Women Voters [VIDEO]
Looking to garner support among women voters, President Barack Obama went on a political attack against Mitt Romney on Thursday. The Democrat criticized Romney for his support of Richard Mourdock, a candidate for the Senate in Indiana who controversially stated that pregnancies resulting from rape are "something God intended." -
Mitt Romney Staples CEO Divorce Testimony Transcripts Unsealed (VIEW TRANSCRIPTS)
After Gloria Allred and Boston Globe won the request to unseal complete transcripts of Mitt Romney's testimony in the divorce trial for Staples founder Tom Stemberg's divorce trial, the documents have been posted. -
2012 Presidential Polls: New Hampshire & Virginia May Still Be Up In The Air
Ohio, Iowa, Colorado, Virginia, New Hampshire, Florida and Wisconsin will be the seven battleground states that will play key roles in the November election. -
Katy Perry Obama Dress: Singer Dons Skintight Latex "Ticket Ballot" Mini For Campaign Rally
The "Part of ME" singer wore a skintight white latex dress with a design that resembled a ticket ballot. The design featured two boxes on her right hip that appeared as if the Democratic ballot ticket was checked off. -
Colin Powell Endorses Obama For 2012 President
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for president on Thursday. Colin Powell has made an endorsement for Barack Obama for president. -
Presidential Polls 2012: Latest Rasmussen Polls; Romney Leads Three Points Over Obama
As of Thursday, Mitt Romney remains in a three point lead over Barack Obama, according to Rasmussen's daily Presidential poll. -
Axl Rose, 'Jimmy Kimmel'; Guns N' Roses Frontman Endorses Obama
During his first interview in 20 years, Axl Rose gave his endorsement to President Obama. Axl Rose may not have done a live television interview in over a decade, but last night he decided to break that streak. -
Trump Announcement Lampooned By Obama on Jay Leno And Critics Online (WATCH VIDEO)
"The Apprentice" star claimed it wouldn't be a publicity stunt, insisting the announcement was "not a media event" but "about the United States of America." The announcement on Wednesday, Oct.24 at 12pm EST in a YouTube video and Facebook post. Later, critics commented that the "bombshell" was less explosive than presumed.The response to Trump's announcement in social media ranged from very funny to serious disappointments.Comic Andy Borowitz tweeted, "Attention parents: if you give your children even the tiniest bit of attention now, maybe they won't grow up to be Donald Trump." -
Presidential Polls By State 2012: Obama On Battleground Campaign - Ohio, Nevada, Virginia, Colorado
President Barack Obama stated that he'll be casting a ballet of his own on Friday for the Nov. 6 United States presidential election, which would make him the first U.S. President to vote this early in the country's electoral history. The 51-year-old will make a stop in Chicago while in the midst of a 48-hour tour of the key battleground states of Ohio, Nevada, Virginia and Colorado. -
Obama Campaign Schedule: 'Tonight Show' And MTV To Address Young Voters Live
President Barack Obama will appear on "The Tonight Show" on Wednesday, Oct. 24. The guest appearance with late night talk show host Jay Leno will be his fifth visit. The chat will be his third interview with the comedian since he was elected president. The president will arrive in Los Angeles for just a few hours as he visits four states in one day. He swill also visit Davenport, Iowa and Denver and Las Vegas for campaign events. Obama is also scheduled to appear on MTV to participate in a live television program with young voters on Friday, Oct.26. -
Latest Presidential Polls 2012; Rasmussen Daily Polls Show Romney Still Leads 4 Points Over Obama
The latest details on Rasmussen's daily election polls. The latest presidential polls are out and Mitt Romney remains in the lead against President Obama. -
Presidential Polls 2012: Gallup Poll Shows Romney Leading 51% to Obama's 46%
With Election Day fast approaching, Mitt Romney remains in the lead over President Obama. According to the latest Gallop poll on Wednesday Oct. 24, Romney has a five point lead with 51 percent of voter support compared to Obama with 46 percent. -
October Surprises: Donald Trump Obama Announcement & Gloria Allred Romney Announcement
The "October Surprises" on Wednesday has made Oct. 24 quite eventful for the presidential candidates. Donald Trump and famed attorney Gloria Allred had a fierce competition to see who would drop the biggest news bomb that relates to the election.Trump, a renowned Republican who is Team Romney, made an announcement via Twitter and Facebook at 12 p.m. EST. As assumed, it was related to President Obama's past. Meanwhile, Allred is spending October Surprise Day in a Boston court to request the removal of a gag order that would unseal court documents proving Romney lied under oath during a sworn testimony, according to a report. -
Obama Divorce Papers Scandal Spikes In Light Of Trump's Obama Announcement
At the height of a big announcement Donald Trump said he will make on Wednesday having to do with President Barack Obama, reports suggest that divorce papers between the president and his wife, First Lady Michelle, might be the big secret the public is anticipating. Rumors of Trump surfacing divorce papers filed for Barack and Michelle Obama has been circulating since Trump revealed on Monday that he had an announcement to make. "Something very, very big concerning the president of the United States" that "could change the course of the election," Trump said. -
Presidential Polls After Debates: Obama vs Romney Voting Analysis After Final Debate
With the final presidential debate now in the books, there have been a slew of polls with varying results. Nonetheless, a recent national survey taken indicated that President Barack Obama prevailed over Governor Mitt Romney in the last presidential debate before the election on Monday in Boca Raton, Fla. On the contrary, a CNN/ORC International poll taken locally in South Florida revealed that the debate may have been a draw. The poll also indicated that women seemed to respond more positively to the President while Romney had a small edge in the male department. -
Honey Boo Boo Sleep; Child Star Fakes Sleep During Interview with Dr. Drew [Video]
Honey Boo Boo faked sleep to get out of answering questions during an interview with Dr. Drew, Honey Boo Boo is dealing with the success of her reality show with a number of televised interviews. -
Presidential Polls 2012: Rasmussen Polls, Romney Leads Four Points Over Obama
In the latest poll from Rasmussen, Romney is faking a four point lead. The latest presidential polls are out and Mitt Romney is taking the lead against President Obama.