sandy hook elementary school
Ronda Rousey says she "regretted" the post "every day of my life since and will continue to do so until I die." -
Alex Jones’ Infowars, 2 Other Companies File for Bankruptcy Amid Lawsuits
The Alex Jones-owned companies Infowars, IWHealth, and Prison Planet TV have filed for bankruptcy amid his piling lawsuits.#AlexJones #SandyHook -
Newtown Public Schools: Sandy Hook Elementary School Evacuated After Site Of 2012 Shooting Receives Threatening Phone Call, Reported Bomb Threat [PHOTOS]
A reported bomb threat has lead to the evacuation of schoolchildren from the newly rebuilt Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. -
Sandy Hook Shooter Adam Lanza [VIDEO]: Mother Tried To Sue School After Son Was Bullied There
Adam Lanza's mother tried to school the school when the former student came home from school with bruises all over his body. -
Sandy Hook Shooting Gunman Adam Lanza Took Revenge After Years Of Bullying
Gunman Adam Lanza had reportedly been bullied at Sandy Hook Elementary School before he went on the shooting spree, killing 20 students and 6 staff members. -
Parents of Newtown Sandy Hook Shooting Victim Emilie Parker Meet With Killer's Father Peter Lanza [Video]
The parents of Emilie Parker, one of the 20 children who were killed during the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, met with the father of the killer and discussed it on CBS on Thursday. -
Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Update: Police Officers Release More Information On Victims
Some of the Newton police officers that were first responders to the mass-shooting scene at Sandy Hook Elementary School, have finally spoken out to the media for the first time since the tragedy transpired on Dec. 14. -
Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theory: Despite Faulty Reasoning, Truther Backers Continue to Increase
Sandy Hook conspiracy theorists are now dominating the Internet and to the dismay of the victims' families, garnering some of the attention focused on the Dec. 14 elementary school shooting in Newton, Conn. -
Sandy Hook Hoax Case: Woman Pleads Not Guilty to Fundraising Fraud as Conspiracy Theory Video Goes Viral
A woman accused of running a Sandy Hook fundraising hoax has pleaded not guilty to federal charges being made against her. -
Sandy Hook Hoax Video by Conspiracy Theory 'Truthers' Goes Viral With 10 Million Views
Conspiracy theories continue to voice their beliefs on what transpired during the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting at increasing levels, as a viral internet truther clip dominates Internet chatter. -
Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theory: Video Inconsistencies & Logic Explained By Experts
Conspiracy theories continue to push their beliefs on the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting to an increasing level with a viral internet truther video that's been watched by millions of individuals in just over a week. -
Sandy Hook Conspiracy Video: 'Truthers' Allege Newton Shooting is a Hoax
Over the last month following the tragedy of the Dec. 14 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Conn., a conspiracy theorist group called the Sandy Hook truther movement continues to be vocal about its claims of an apparent hoax to the dismay of many. -
Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theory: Hero Now Being Labeled A Satanist By Conspiracists
One of the heroes of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newton, Conn. who guarded six scared children after they fled their classroom spoke about how he's been labeled as a pedophile by conspiracy theorists. -
Sandy Hook Conspiracy Shooting: Professor with Controversial Comments Partially Acknowledges Tragedy
The professor who stated that the Dec. 14 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre didn't occur the way the mainstream media described it is now willing to somewhat acknowledge the severity over the tragic situation. -
Lady Gaga Gun Bra Causes Controversy Amid Sandy Hook Shooting Tragedy (PHOTO)
Although she's well know for her outlandish clothing attire while performing onstage, Lady Gaga may have overdone it this time around. The musician angered anti-gun activists when she wore a gun bra during a Vancouver concert on Friday. -
Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theory: Professor Claims Administration Is Using Media As Means To Push Gun Control
Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy created quite a stir when he revealed his thoughts on a Sandy Hook shooting conspiracy theory. -
Woman Accused Of Cashing In On Sandy Hook, Confronted On VIDEO
A woman from New York City attempted to scam donors out of money by portraying herself as the aunt of one of the children killed in the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting, according to Federal authorities. -
Newtown Funerals End For School Shooting Victims
Newton, Conn., held the final funerals for victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting on Dec. 21 after a week of vigils, memorials and tears by members of the community. -
Websites Go Dark & Bells Ring For Newton, Conn. In Memory Of Shooting Victims
Websites went offline, flag were flown half mast and church bells rang on Friday as Americans took a moment of silence exactly one week after a school shooting in Newton, Conn., where 20 children and six adults died. -
NRA Press Conference Watch Online Live Stream @ 10:45 AM, Dec. 21.
LIVE STREAM COVERAGE of the National Rifle Association's will first press conference on Dec. 21 following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and the backlash it has received after 26 children and adults were killed at the school. -
NRA Membership Surge, Numbers Increased Since Newton School Shooting
Since a Newton school shooting that killed 26 children and adults last Friday, membership for the National Rifle Association has increased and is continuing to do so, according to sources.