A man pushed onto the subway tracks in New York City on Monday by a unidentified suspect died after being struck by a moving train, according to CBS News.

The incident occurred around 12:30 p.m. on Monday at the 49th street and 7th avenue subway station near Times Square.

Police released surveillance video of the incident in search of the suspect, who pushed Ki Suk Han, 58, of Elmhurst, Queens, onto the tracks, and he was then hit by a southbound Q train. The footage showed the two men arguing seconds before police said Han was shoved in front of the moving train, according to the news report. The two men are believed not to have known each other before the Monday night occurrence.

Police said the suspect was mumbling to himself as he walked along the platform and that Han tried to climb back onto the platform after he was shoved onto the tracks, but he did not make it before the train arrived, according to The New York Times. Onlookers screamed, shouted and waved their hands to try to get the conductor to stop the train and reportedly, a freelance photographer flashed his camera repeatedly to try to get the train conductor's attention, but instead he only captured Han's desperate efforts to get back on the platform.

Han was pronounced dead at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital.

The report added that Paul J. Browne, the Police Department's chief spokesperson, described the attacker as "a black man in his mid-20s in a tan shirt and black pants who was carrying a black jacket and wearing a woolen hat."

The 8-second Youtube video of Han's argument with the suspect showed the man cursing at Han and telling him to leave him alone, "stand in line" and wait for the train.