Kim Davis: Twitter Reacts To Kentucky Clerk Who Continues Denying Marriage Licenses Despite COurt Ruling [VIDEO]
The backlash against Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis has grown after the Kentucky official continued to refuse marriage licenses to same-sex couples despite a direct order from the Supreme Court to do so.
After her continued refusal to issue licenses to same-sex couples despite the landmark SCOTUS ruling back in June which legalized same-sex marriage across the United States, Davis was told to start issuing the licenses today. However, two same-sex couples who arrived at her office were turned away because of her religious beliefs.
Since her continued refusal-which was caught on video with her saying she was doing so under 'God's authority'--many have reacted on social media, criticizing her for the act, as well as her own marriage record, which has reportedly seen her married four different times.
Attn Gov. Beshear, Kim Davis is an employee who is defying the highest law of the land. Immediate termination sounds about right. Do it now
— Tim Heuer (@timheuer) September 1, 2015
I wonder how Kim Davis would have felt if a County Clerk had denied her request for a marriage certificate because she had been divorced? — Will McAvoy (@WillMcAvoyACN) September 1, 2015
If Kim Davis wants to invoke "God's authority" to deny gay couples their rights, she should go work for God rather than state of Kentucky. — Steve Silberman (@stevesilberman) September 1, 2015
If you're bored today, you can call Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis at 606-784-5212 and tell her to do her job... I got hung up on — Kyle Hollingsworth (@kholl44) September 1, 2015
Bullying her? Find another clerk's office? NO! Kim Davis is defying the law. She needs to do her job or else!
— Chip Coffey (@chipcoffey) September 1, 2015
JUDGES ... Are not supposed to inflict "God" on legal decisions. Fuck Kim Davis. Separation of Church & State. — Writer Kola Boof (@KolaBoof2) September 1, 2015
Kim Davis is the reason the Founding Fathers decided to keep religion and government separate. Let's respect their wisdom. — drhug (@drhug) September 1, 2015
Serial marry-er Kim Davis broke her solemn marriage vows 4 times! Her marriages were between a woman, a man, a man, a man &a man. #Hypocrite — MizQue (@MizQue) September 1, 2015
Dear Kim Davis, Unless God is signing your paycheck, his "authority" can't dictate your lack of doing your job. Signed, Reasonable People
— Ken Reid (@KennethWReid) September 1, 2015
Hope no one at the local DMV cites "god's authority" as reason to not issue drivers licenses to women. #whatsTheDiff — Jeremy Hooper (@goodasyou) September 1, 2015
If Kim Davis can't do the job she is paid to do, then she needs to quit. She also needs to look up Separation of Church & State. #DoYourJob — Ken Preston (@unKleBING) September 1, 2015
Kim Davis needs to be fired her ignorance is annoying. And "God told me not to work but still get paid" so give me money? — Deus ex (@ProjectCreate64) September 1, 2015
I wonder what Kim Davis’ first, second and third husbands think of her take on marriage: — Steve Krakauer (@SteveKrak) September 1, 2015
Many have also taken to social media to make jokes about Davis and compare her to the kinds of people they hated running into on a daily basis, comparing her to Lifetime movies, and criticizing her saying she is denying licenses on God's authority:
I didn't give Kim Davis any authority to deny marriage licenses. She clearly just made it up. — God (@TheGoodGodAbove) September 1, 2015
"Gays can't marry!" but she's been MARRIED 4 TIMES. Poor Kim Davis, always the bride & never the bridesmaid. — STATE.of.CONFUZUN (@STATEofCONFUZUN) September 1, 2015
Kim Davis is the person who has 52 items in a 10 item lane!
— Sharon M (@SharonJM42) September 1, 2015
Lol this comment from a PA paper "It's like an Amish person working at the DMV refusing to give out drivers licenses"#KimDavis #resignplease — Lauren E. Williams (@LaurenEliseWill) September 1, 2015
If stopped for speeding, jaywalking, shoplifting, or urinating in public, say you did it on God's authority and tell 'em Kim Davis sent you. — Crutnacker (@Crutnacker) September 1, 2015
Every time I see pictures of Kim Davis, I keep thinking I'm looking at a screenshot of a terrible 90s Lifetime movie. — Sarah McBride (@SarahEMcBride) September 1, 2015
Kim Davis is the type of person who didn't let her kids watch Harry Potter
— Fraternity fuck (@FraternityFuck) September 1, 2015
Kim Davis is the type of person who has a million groceries and holds up the line. Then pulls out her checkbook. — Fraternity fuck (@FraternityFuck) September 1, 2015
Kim Davis is the type of person who sees you closing your store and walks in right before you're about to lock the door. — Fraternity fuck (@FraternityFuck) September 1, 2015
Kim Davis is the type of person that looks forward to her Lean Cuisine lunch every day. — Jaime (@jaimeshade) September 1, 2015
@jaimeshade Kim Davis is the type of person that calls and complains when her Better Homes and Gardens issue arrives late.
— Nick Drews (@nsdrews) September 1, 2015
Kim Davis is the person at the post office that fills out the envelope address at the counter. — Jaime (@jaimeshade) September 1, 2015
Kim Davis is the type of person that claps at the end of a Katherine Heigl film. — Jaime (@jaimeshade) September 1, 2015
Kim Davis is the type of person that takes you to Subway for your birthday. — Jaime (@jaimeshade) September 1, 2015
Kim Davis is the type of person that dashes to the front of the plane as soon as it arrives at the gate.
— Jaime (@jaimeshade) September 1, 2015
Kim Davis is the type of person that demands a free meal if her water isn't refilled every three minutes. — Jaime (@jaimeshade) September 1, 2015
For right now, it appears she is still refusing the licenses, and is scheduled for a contempt of court hearing on Thursday.