The identity of the Newtown shooter has changed from Ryan Lanza to his brother Adam.

Now police has apprehended Ryan for questioning to see what he may know of his brother's shooting on Friday.

Ryan was taken by authorities in Hoboken, N.J. after he was reportedly on a bus in the area, according to

It was first reported by news agencies that the shooter was 24-year-old Ryan, however new reports by authorities suggest that it was his 20-year-old younger brother Adam who was responsible.

News agencies previously reported the wrong Facebook page of the killer stating that it was Ryan Lanza.

However, Ryan Lanza posted a message on his Facebook to try and clear his name after his picture was used by CNN writing: "Everyone shut the f--- up it wasn't me."

He continued to post online: "IT WASN'T ME I WAS AT WORK IT WASN'T ME."

Video footage of Ryan in police custody was shown during a live CBS News broadcast.

The body of Ryan's brother was found at the crime scene at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

"It appears that another member of the alleged shooter's family is dead," according to CNN. "A senior law enforcement official familiar with the investigation says a brother of the alleged shooter was found dead in a home searched in Hoboken, New Jersey. We already knew Ryan Lanza's mother was found dead in the elementary school."

Adam is accused of killing his father along with his mother who was a teacher at the Connecticut elementary school, according to the Inquisitr.

The incident ended with the suspected gunman shooting himself to death, according to Yahoo News. His body was reportedly discovered inside one of the classrooms.

Around 27 people are dead in the second worst school shooting in the history of the United States that includes 18 children fatally shot, according to the Washington Post.

The motive remains unknown at this time as the ongoing criminal investigation continues.