A GOP Fist Fight, Pot-Infused Salmon Is A Thing, Black Lives Matter Takes On NFL Team & More On The Enstars Rundown!
Holy Crap, it's Friday!
Sorry for the lack of an Enstars Rundown yesterday. You can blame burnout from writing about Wednesday's GOP debate for that. ANYWAY, here's your daily dosage of pop culture, news, and info to close out your working week.
Well, this is interesting. It seems that last night Rich Beeson, the deputy campaign manager for Senator Marco Rubio (one of the more than the baker's dozen of people running for the Republican nomination) PUNCHED John Yob, fellow GOP candidate Rand Paul's national political director, at a bar in Michigan.
Listen to This: Fresh Air has an awesome interview with Nadia Bolz-Weber, a former standup comic and recovering alcoholic, who (despite her many tattoos and fondness for swearing) is now a Lutheran pastor/writer and started the House for All Sinners and Saints church in Denver -- which welcomes LGBT people, addicts, nonbelievers and even "normal" people.
A former Verizon executive is suing the telecom giant for not allowing her to take maternity leave when she used a surrogate mother to carry her twin children and then fired her after she took time off to care for them when they were born prematurely and then later died.
Ugh...just when you thought the scandal of pedophile priests was over and done with, a new series of investigate reports by the Global Post has found that the Catholic Church has shipped several priests accused and/or under investigation for sexual abuse in America and Europe to South America.
Read this: Jason Tanz writes an in-depth look for Wired at how indie filmmaking darlings the Duplass brothers have become a "Hollywood juggernaut."
Here's a bizarre criminal case in North Carolina that just seems to stretch the bounds of legal logic. Two teens have taken plea deals in Fayetteville after they were both charged with sexual exploitation and possession of a sexually explicit photos of minors--the minors in question? Themselves. The two 17-year-olds, who are dating, took nude pictures of themselves when they were 16 and sent them to each other. The images were discovered when policed searched the boy's phone at school for an unrelated matter. Thankfully, according to the terms of the deal, it doesn't seem like the kids will serve any jail time or have to register as sex offenders, but they will spend a year on probation and can't protest police searches. Welcome to 2015 in America.
Marijuana-infused Salmon is now a thing.
Black Lives Matter activists in the St. Paul and Minneapolis are saying they're planning on launching a demonstration on Sunday that they plan will shut down the local light rail system and the first Vikings' home game of the NFL season. The protest is in response to the forceful detainment of an autistic black teen, Marcus Abrams, by Metro Transit police that resulted in the teen having several seizures.
Watch This: A legally blind magician wows commuters in a New York City subway station