It's being reported by the Center For Disease Control (CDC) that this season's flu is the worst its been in the last several years. To top it off, it's said that the sickness could get even worst.

Two strains of the disease have continued to make their way across the United States as 29 states are reporting increased flu levels of the throughout the last week. To date, the disease has impacted 41 states.

"I think we're still accelerating," CDC spokesman Tom Skinner told NBC News.

Tragically, 18 children have reportedly died from flu complications. Doctors feel that this particular type of the disease is the most potent in over a decade and are strongly advising people to go out and get their flu shots.

"We've run out of our influenza tests cases and actually had to get them Fed Ex-ed in every two days to keep up with the demand. If you get the flu shot now, you'll be protected within two weeks so you can still avoid getting the flu later on in the season," Dr. Richard Elsey, who works alongside Concentra urgent care in North Carolina told WBTV.

According to the CDC, 10 percent of emergency room visits were because of flu like symptoms. The main flu strain as of late has been H3N2, which can be extremely dangerous for children who get it.

"In years past when we have seen an H3N2 dominate, we tend to see more severe illness in young kids and the elderly. It's not too late to get vaccinated," Skinner added.

In order to monitor where the flu is currently affecting the most people, one can visit the website, which was put together by the Children's Hospital in Boston in order to provide updated information on where the flu is spreading.
