Harrison Ford Rumor; Actor May Return as Han Solo in 'Star Wars: Episode VII'
Harrison Ford is rumored to reprise his role as Han Solo for the upcoming "Star Wars: Episode VII."
The latest rumor was reported first by a Friday report by Latino Review which sated the 70-year-old actor will return for the continuation of the blockbuster franchise.
The information was revealed by film gossipers Kelvin Chavez and Umberto "El Mayimbe" Gonzalez with an appearance on Fox News Latino.
Entertainment Weekly writer Geoff Boucher tweeted Friday in response to the news that Ford apparently has yet to complete a deal: "Harrison Ford deal? My source says not yet. "It will not be for weeks and perhaps months."
Currently there is no comment on the recent alleged news by either Ford or representatives of Disney in charge of the project.
Ford has gone back and forth with his interest in returning to the "Star Wars" franchise.
Entertainment Weekly reported in November that Ford had expressed interest in returning to Disney's planned new "Star Wars" movies. However, he stated that he would not sign a deal unless there was a script and a director to helm the new project.
Now that Michael Arndt is writing the "Episode VII" script and J.J. Abrams is confirmed as the movie's director, Ford may start to have an increased involvement with the project, according to IFC.
Previously Ford was not open to the idea of reprising the role when he was quoted by ABC News in 2010 saying that he believed the character "should have died in the last one, just to give it some bottom; some gravitas. George didn't think there was any future in dead Han toys."
Ford also said in the interview that he did not "think there's a way to weave him back into the story."
The last time that Ford played the character of Han Solo was in "Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi" which hit theaters in 1983.