Sarah Silverman clearly isn't James Bond's No. 1 fan.

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The comedienne came out of the woodwork for the Oscars, but, as if in an effort to show that Silverman's heyday has come and gone, her jokes fell flat with audience members and viewers alike.

Tasked with introducing Sam Smith's Spectre performance, Silverman poked fun at Bond's inability to keep a woman happy.

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"I guess I was a Bond girl, in that I had sexual intercourse with James Bond and never heard from him... I know he has a cell phone - he has four! He loves sleeping with women with heavy Jewish boobs," Silverman teased. "Oh here's something. James Bond - not a grower or a shower. I don't want to say he's terrible in bed... but he's slept with 55 women in 24 movies and most of them tried to kill him afterwards."

Not the comedian's best work, it you ask Twitter.

Parents, however, were the ones who were really upset by Silverman's comments. Featured early in the broadcast, the inappropriate jokes reach plenty of little ears. While that isn't entirely Silverman's fault - the powers that be should have put her on later in the evening - it certainly didn't help popular opinion.

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Oscars 2016