Donald Trump Take Down: Did John Oliver Just Fire The Trump Silver Bullet? [VIDEO]
While millions were watching Leonardo DiCaprio finally win an Oscar last night, Last Week Tonight host John Oliver issued a damning attack against Donald Trump.
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Oliver made Trump the main topic of his show Sunday night, digging deep into the Republican presidential frontrunner's past. The segment featured Oliver citing many examples of Trump lying, flip-flopping on various issues and detailing his various failed business ventures.
All of these things have been established by many of his rivals running for president or otherwise, but one unique aspect Oliver tackled was Trump's actual appeal for people. He touched on Trump's entertaining personality and his status as an outsider. He noted the Trump name as a status symbol for many--a sort of brand recognition to which entrepreneurs and business owners can aspire.
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Yet Oliver also discussed Trump not even being his true ancestral name. He spoke of a biographer who discover Trump's "prescient ancestor" had actually changed their last name from Drumpf to Trump. With Trump himself often discussing how he is proud of his heritage, Oliver called on the viewing public to tweet the hashtag #MakingDonaldDrumpfAgain.
The hashtag is now trending on Twitter, with everyday citizens and celebrities alike tweeting it:
It remains to be seen if Oliver's take down will have an impact on prospective voters. Many of his supporters continue to defend him, but considering how this clip gets to the heart of his appeal, some find themselves reexamining their candidate of choice today.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver airs Sundays at 11/10c on HBO.