Mike Tyson Hoax: Boxer Did Not Threaten Chef Roble Ali Over Instagram Photo [Video]
Mike Tyson's rep denied that the boxer sent text message threats to Bravo star Chef Roble Ali in response to an Instagram photo he created of Tyson.
The photo was of Tyson holding two pigeons close together and Ali captioned the photo, "Now kith," poking fun at the boxing champion's lisp.
The New York Post reported Thursday that Ali created a fake text message, claiming it was a response from Tyson, that read, "How you do there Mr. funny man? You think that [bleep's] funny making fun of my speech impediment? You know we always been cool when I see you in Brooklyn right? Well that [bleep] is over."
However, Tyson's rep told the publication, "Mike has never heard of this chef nor would he write anything like this." Tyson discussed his love for pigeons and racing the birds on his Animal Planet show Taking on Tyson.
Another fake text Ali shared read, "I don't know if you're old enough to remember that game 'Mike Tyson's Punch Out' but either way I'm gonna [beep] you up when I see you like I did that little white boy in the game. You hear me you ostrich looking skinny cheffin' punk? Laugh now, cry later."
The fake texts are of Tyson supposedly asking Ali to cater an event for him in Las Vegas and calling the chef a punk.
Ali's posed response read, "Hey Champ. How you doin my man?? I'm glad you have a good sense of humor and can take a joke. I was going to answer the phone but I didn't because I was in shook and I'm not a [bleep] for that because you're Mike [bleeping] Tyson okay?!? LoL!"