Jim Carrey Ebay Photo for Sale so User 'Can Afford a Gun,' Following Actor's 'Cold Dead Hand' VIDEO for Funny or Die
An eBay user was selling an autographed photo of Jim Carrey and advertising that proceeds for the sale would be used to buy a gun, poking fun at the actor's recent mocking of Charlton Heston and the Second Amendment.
An eBay user by the name of "astrobuzz" listed a "Jim Carrey Autographed 8X10 Photo So I Can Afford a Gun!" according to Hollywood Reporter.
The user explained that the listing was in response to Carrey's Funny or Die video, in which he disparages gun owners, Second Amendment advocates and deceased Oscar winning-actor Heston, who once headed the National Rifle Association. The six-minute clip is entitled Cold Dead Hand.
The item for sale was a black-and-white photo of Carrey with the inscription, "Spank you very much!" and is an autographed reprint. By Wednesday afternoon, "astrobuzz" had over 100 bidders that had raised the price to $860.
However, the auction site reportedly took action because by late Wednesday the item's description of "astrobuzz" wanting a gun changed and the bids disappeared. The description that remained read: "I'm selling this Jim Carrey autographed B&W photo (mint condition) for purposes I cannot explain because it might be against eBay's Terms & Conditions."
The auction site has yet to comment on the matter but Carrey addressed the issue on Twitter. He wrote Thursday, "A lot of the autographs you'll buy 4 guns online r fakes.Jokes on both buyer and seller.Not to mention the karma.Your luck will be bad. ;^)"
Some other eBay users put up similar Carrey memorabilia and followed the trend by poking fun at the actor's recent comments. One user posted a photo of the gun he wanted to buy and others promised to join the NRA with the money they receive from their Carrey collectibles.
Carrey sparked controversy with his Funny or Die video, as well as a series of tweets about gun control. He posted on Thursday, "154 BULLETS FIRED AT SANDY HOOK! 2 handguns n a bushmaster rifle on Lanza. 1600 rnds of amo at his house. WE MUST STOP THIS!! ;^"
Click here to watch Carrey's Cold Dead Hand video.