Democratic lawmakers have proposed a legislation to increase Michigan's minimum wage to $10 an hour over the course for the next three years.

The state's current minimum wage is $7.40 an hour and workers are given overtime per hour for going over 40 in one week. Democratic representatives, including John Switalksi of Warren and Rashida Tlaib of Detroit, said that raising the minimum wage would narrow inequality and would give Michigan workers "a chance at a better life." A similar bill was introduced by Senate Democrats back in February.

The Associated Press reported that in the past Republicans, who currently control the legislature have opposed the idea of raising the minimum wage.

Dave Woodward, launched an online petition at, and claimed that more than 70 percent of people living in Michigan agree that legislators should increase the minimum wage.

"Right now, minimum wage workers and middle class families are doing their taxes and they're finding their taxes going up because of policies by Gov. Snyder and Republicans in Lansing ... It's long overdue that Michigan families get a raise and raising the minimum wage helps do that," Woodward said.

Many reports have indicated that in the past Republicans, who currently control the legislature have opposed the idea of raising the minimum wage.

Republican Governor Rick Snyder, as well as other GOP legislators said that the bill would only hurt the workforce in Michigan since it would make it harder to hire more people.

The Oakland Press reported that the last time the mininum wage was last raised in 2008.

President Obama also believes that the mininum wage should increase. During his State of The Union address he talked about raising the minimum wage. Senator Elizabeth Warren recently said that the minimum wage should be increased to $22.

"If we started in 1960 and we said that as productivity goes up, that is as workers are producing more, then the minimum wage is going to go up the same. And if that were the case then the minimum wage today would be about $22 an hour," Warren said.