The shooting death of Philando Castile in St. Paul, Minnesota Wednesday night continues to take a bizarre turn after his family has come forward to say they were barred from seeing him in the hospital and they have been unable to locate his girlfriend, who livestreamed the aftermath of his shooting on social media, since she was arrested.

According to The Daily Mail, Castile's mother, Valerie, has claimed that she has been unable to locate Diamond Reynolds, Castile's girlfriend, since she was arrested after a St. Anthony Police Department officer shot Castile four times in the arm during a traffic stop, after Castile reached for his license and ID.

Reynolds livestreamed video of the aftermath of the shooting on Facebook after it happened, claiming in the video, with a bloodied and unconscious Castile next to her as the cop continues pointing his gun inside the car, where she and her four-year-old daughter were still seated, that Castile had reached for his license after being pulled over for a broken tail light when the officer opened fire.

The unidentified officer, who has allegedly been placed on paid leave, can also be heard screaming in the video that he had told Castile "Not to reach for it," and that he told him to keep "his hand open."

Her verbal dispute with the officer then changes after she realizes that Castile has stopped moving, and she begins to panic that he is dead.

"Oh god, don't tell me he's dead," she is heard saying in the video. "Please don't tell me my boyfriend just went like that...please don't tell me that he's gone."

Other officers then arrive on the scene and tell Reynolds to exit the car and she is told to get on her knees while she is cuffed.

Her video then eventually cuts to her in the back of a police cruiser, with her daughter, as she continues to express upset over Castile's death, and the fact that she has been handcuffed.

Police have since claimed that Reynolds was released at 2 a.m., though Castile's mother says she has not been able to locate her and she was not allowed to talk to her while she was detained. She also claimed she wasn't allowed near her son's deathbed either.

The shooting has sparked a round of protests outside Governor Mark Dayton's home, and is being investigated by Minnesota's Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.

It is the second sort of incident in the last week, after police officers shot Alton Sterling in Louisiana. His death was also captured on camera, as were police who were seen removing a gun from his pocket after his death.