An intrepid 12-year-old boy has caused a debate after questioning a law-breaking cop.

The incident took place when 12-year-old Jeremy spotted a Las Vegas Metro policeman who had illegally parked his motorcycle on the sidewalk, according to the Examiner.

As the cop returns to his vehicle with a beverage, Jeremy begins taping his conversation.

The young citizen starts off by asking the officer if there was any emergency reason for parking his motorized vehicle on a walkway. When the cop tells him no, the boy asks to see his badge number.

When the officer asks him why, Jeremy tells him it is his right.

"What are you, a junior lawyer?" the cop asks as he begins to move his vehicle away.

As he starts the motorcycle, Jeremy repeatedly asks if he can see his badge number. After the cop starts the ignition, it becomes slightly difficult to hear what he his saying.

The officer asks to see the boys ID, but Jeremy replies that he is a minor and gives his name.

After Jeremy repeats his question, the officer asks him if he is loitering. Jeremy replies that he is filming and asks for the badge number one more time before cutting the video.

The short clip has caused an online debate between those who believe the boy was being an upstanding citizen and putting civics lessons to use and those who think he is being obnoxious and is wasting the officer's time.

"Questioning authority is an important civil duty in my opinion, good on him. He's polite and sticks to his guns. Someone has some great role models," stated one user on Gawker.

Meanwhile, others claim, "walking up to someone with a video recording rolling, asking questions is a combative attitude...We're in a society that just loves to try and catch the police doing something bad, so we can point our fingers and say how terrible they are. Get off your high horse and do something constructive with your life."

Is society on the side of the oyung citizen, or the side of the law-breaking officer?
