Anyone who has ever heard of fantasy stories in their lifespan are certainly familiar with fictional "ghost ships". These appear out of nowhere with no context as to their path and existence before the very moment they emerge. However, what seems to be only true in movies may just emerge into our reality.

Lake Superior, true to its name, is a great lake that spreads from the United States of America all the way to Canada. A lake shared between two nations surely consists of various secrets. Sources at CNet mention how the entire lake system could consist of more than 6,000 shipwrecks.

If that fact is true it can certainly shed some light to the mysterious ghost ship that had appeared on that lake earlier. A patron in the near vicinity saw what seemed to be sails of a large ship in the foggy background of the lake and immediately started recording their perspective.

News for the apparent "ghost ship" went viral as the video kept spreading through the entire Internet. If anyone sees the video they can clearly see one of those old fashioned large sail boats moving about in the water going in a certain direction sideways.

Even the folks at Fox News mention how Lake Superior itself has recorded over 500 shipwrecks. This could also add to the story of the ghost ship.

However, where there are believers, there are sure to be skeptics. Some people in the comments of the video argue how it could be a certain type of mirage. People also say that this could also be an infamous Granite Island Lighthouse which is known for its tower like structures. The moving effect from the video could come from the motion of the sea along with the position and steadiness of the patron themselves.

Nonetheless, nothing has been confirmed about the mysterious ghost ship so far. Whatever it is, it certainly stirred adventurous excitement in the hearts of many.