Few Mexican cement mixtures discovered to have a high amount of lead
Lead is quite the influential method on earth. It can be used in pencils by thinning itself up. While at the same time it can be used to stop the most extreme forms of radiation by being thick enough. Lead in a good amount can be good for the safety of human beings but at the same time, too much of it can be bad.
It was recently brought up on the news that traces of Lead were found in a few Mexican cement brands. Healthday News reported how Canadian researches report that traces of lead can be found in cement based structures in Mexico generally.
This can be taken back all the way to culture. Mexican culture involves the nation to make all sorts of various sculptures and figures. Although a very beautiful art, it could very well be dangerous.
Some pieces of cultural representation made from Mexico are made out of cement, and these very pieces are the ones which contain a more-than-acceptable amount of Lead.
In fact, according to WebMD, the longer the amount of time the piece stays around, the worse it becomes and so an old piece of cultural heritage could be the source of a family getting Lead Poisoning.
It got so bad that a woman reported that she saw lead seeping out onto her tea when she made it using Ceramic ware. She has been doing this a while now and this caused the amount of Lead in her system was over thirty times as a normal human being should have in a healthy amount.
Perhaps this new discovery could help answer previous questions about people becoming sick. It is hoped that people would take this discovery seriously and take necessary precautions.