One of America's top-rated television series, "Bones" is going to run its 12th and final season and will be aired on FOX in January 03, 2017.

According to the reports of Screener, the TV show will be airing 68 days from now and it was announced by FOX last Tuesday.

The show is FOX longest running drama series. And for its final run, a guest star is returning,viewers of the drama series will be excited to know who it is, well its none other than the veteran actress Betty White.

Based on the reports posted by TV Line, the living legend will reprise her role as Dr. Beth Mayer, an anthropologist who has tons of experience in forensic investigation.She first appeared on the 11th season of the series as the renowned forensic expert who helped Brenan in the laboratory.

The character of White in the show helped Brenan solve a case about a competitive fantasy football league in the 11th season. On the upcoming season 12 of "Bones," Dr. Mayer will appear on the 10th episode of the show and once again will be helping the whole investigation team of Brenan in solving new cases.

Other highlights of the show will be the wedding and happy ending in the relationship of Brennan and Booth.

But just like any other couples they will have ups and downs when it comes to their marriage as revealed by the creators of the show. According to the producer and creator of the series Hart Hanson, the longevity and superb success of Bones are credited to their supporters and fans worldwide.

So, in return, the whole production team, cast, and crew of the show promise that all episodes of the upcoming season will be memorable for the loyal viewers.

Bones, Television Series, Betty White