Tired of Social Media? Delete Your Digital Existence In A Click
Four words - clean up your existence. The Internet today is one of the most important things that every person on this planet has. It makes life easier and comfortable. It provides convenience to those who used it for different purposes depending upon the requirement.
However, did everyone know that using the Internet means having or leaving a digital footprint? It's quite terrifying to know how much information they have stored online in their social media accounts. Cleaning up some the online activities by closing a few accounts is not the solution to wipe out everything about them. And this is where deseat.me comes in.
How Deseat.me Works?
Deseat.me is an online service developed and designed by the two Swedes, Willie Dahlbo and Linus Unnebäck to clean up people's online existence with just a few clicks of the mouse. According to SocialBarrel, online users who want to stay away from the online world can use this application to get rid of their social media accounts.
Deseat.me simply asks users to sign in with the use of their primary Google account. Then, it will scan their email for services that they have signed up to and eventually create a kill list. Each account is shown to a one-click option that will send users to the delete profile page of that platform.
According to the DailyMail, the application gives the user a flexible control on which accounts or online subscriptions to keep and which to delete. Once the user has decided which account should be removed, all they have to do is to click a few links, and a part of your digital history will be gone.
"We give you a list of all the accounts and services you have ever created an account for. We match them with direct links to their delete page and instructions on how to delete your account for good. The service claims it can help you to erase your online footprint and "clean up your [digital] existence," the programmers of the application said.