"Tokyo Ghoul" season 3 is the most anticipated anime of 2017, the other one being One Punch Man season 2. However, the anime is running into a lot of problems in its production. Until now, fans were hoping to see any announcement of "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3 but it seems like "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3 rumors suggest that the anime might not be coming airing after all.

Kevin Hamric is Viz Media's Senior Director of Sales and Marketing, and in an interview, he mentioned that Tokyo Ghoul season 3 and One Punch Man season 2 are the most anticipated animes of this year and that the third season of Tokyo Ghoul would drop in 2017. Since then, Viz Media has published a statement that Hamric's information is incorrect.

Viz Media said that Hamric was mistaken and that there wasn't any animation and production team assigned to "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3. This puts the series in hiatus for a long time and other "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3 rumors are stating that the anime might be canceled altogether.

At the end of "Tokyo Ghoul" season 2, Ken Kaneki was shown walking amidst the CCG forces carrying his friend's body. However, he was stopped by Arima. It is unknown whether the duo fought against each other, however, the last scene of "Tokyo Ghoul" season 2 suggests that Ken might not be alive, as Arima is standing alone.

However, fans who follow the manga would know that Ken Kaneki's story continues even after this as he joins the CCG as "Haise Sasaki", having lost his memories of his ghoul self and the past. "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3 rumors also suggest that once the anime is released, it will focus on Kaneki's new life and the fact that Arima might be the original "One-Eyed King".

Stay tuned for more "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3 rumors and updates.

Tokyo ghoul season 3, Tokyo ghoul season 3 release date, One punch man season 2 news, One-Punch Man