Dick Van Dyke Now: Actor, 96, Looks Healthy Despite Past Grave Fears

Dick Van Dyke showed that he is still alive and well during his recent outing.
For the first time in nearly a year, Van Dyke surprised the public again with his healthy-looking status while having a good time with his wife, Arlene Silver.
The now-96-year-old actor wore a "Spoonful of Sugar" sweatshirt which is seemingly a nod to his role in "Mary Poppins." The photos shared by Daily Mail also highlight his strong physique as he and Silver just finished exercising at the nearby gym.
The couple took the spotlight when they got married in 2012 despite having 46 years age gap. Silver once told Closer Weekly how they met and the fears of suffering backlash due to the difference in their ages.
"He said, 'Hi, I'm Dick.' The first thing I asked him was, 'Weren't you in 'Mary Poppins?' We got along immediately as friends, so it didn't feel like he was so much older than me," she said. "I thought there would be an outcry about a gold digger marrying an old man. But no one ever took that attitude."
Dick Van Dyke Healthier Despite Death Fears
His recent public appearance came after he had an interview with CBS. The actor did multiple sit-ups during the discussion, saying that making his stomach strong is the secret to his good shape.
Still, he revealed that he had been suffering from a "pounding in his head" whenever he lays down.
Today noted that Van Dyke tweeted about the problem in the past, asking fans to help him diagnose his neurological disorder.
"It seems that my titanium dental implants are the cause of my head pounding," the then-87-year-old actor tweeted. "Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks for all your replies."
But after going through tests, he found out that he was in perfect health.
Amid all these, he told CBS This Morning that he wants to make it to 100 years old - and he is desperate to achieve that using some tricks, including dancing and singing.
He talked about his age in his book, "Keep Moving and Other Tips and Truths About Aging," in 2015, telling people to keep moving if they want to live longer, as well. Van Dyke also advised people not to go down the stairs sideways and be optimistic at all times.