Kate Middleon Should Have Slapped Prince Louis to 'Help' Chris Rock, David Spade Says

David Spade jokes that Kate Middleton should have slapped her son, prince Louise at the Platinum Jubillee to help people to move on with the "Chris Rock and Will Smith Slap '' unforgettable scenario at the Oscars Awards.
In the recent episode of "Hotboxin" with Mike Tyson he said that Middleton's four-year-old child who is a prince deserved to be slapped.
Comedian Spade cracks a joke as he talks to Tyson, "Her kid, who's like 3, is being kind of a d-k, you know, making faces and telling her to shut up and everything."
Adding that he thinks if Middleton slapped her kid it would help Chris so much," referring to the slap issues with Smith, since if it is Middleton who does the "slap" act it could take over the "Rock-Smith" slap and Rock would be in second place among top searches.
The Tommy Boy actor added that "He would love to get that off the books. To just have Kate go *makes slapping sounds*... even backhand I'd be fine with."
Joking around with something like this, a sensitive issue for both Rock and Smith can't be shocking news since Rock and Spade have been friends since they starred in Saturday Night Live in '90s.
Previously, everyone was in a big shock when the news broke saying that Smith slapped Rock when he chose Jada Pinkett to be the subject of his joke and humiliate the wife of Smith in public at the Academy Awards which made Smith react without thinking about the possible outcome of his actions.
Spade shared his defense on social media saying that he was shocked when he learned that his friend was slapped over a "GI Jane joke." Adding that Comedians don't have a medical chart for everyone in the audience.
After the incident, Smith revealed that he tried to reach out to Rock but the comedian told him that he is not yet ready and will message him once he is.
"I reached out to Chris, and the message that came back is he's not ready to talk, but when he is, he will reach out," Smith said. "I will say to you, Chris, I apologize to you. My behavior was unacceptable, and I'm here whenever you're ready to talk."
Meanwhile, since his behavior at the Oscars, Smith has avoided the spotlight and has been prohibited from attending any Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences events for the ensuing ten years.