President Barack Obama will address members of the news media at a White House press conference today.

Amongst the more prominent topics the president is expected to discuss are the terror threats in the Middle East, NSA leaker Edward Snowden and U.S.-Russia Relations.

Russia's decision to grant temporary asylum to Edward Snowden, the admitted leaker of information about U.S. electronic surveillance programs, was a "factor" as the White House put it, in Pres. Obama's decision to cancel a planned meeting with Russia's president Vladimir Putin.

Other issues reporters will surely inquire about are Pres. Obama's talks with Congress to negotiate and increase on the debt limit as well as comprehensive immigration reform.

The IRS and Benghazi scandals will also arise during the press conference as well. The news that some IRS officials had singled out conservative groups for extra scrutiny broke this spring. The attacks in Benghazi last fall also continue to be a hot button issue for Republicans but they haven't become as popular with the general public.

Friday's news conference comes a day before Obama and his family are due to depart Washington for a nine-day vacation in Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts.

Watch the free live stream of the president's press conference at 3 p.m. here.