Since its early beginnings on the original Nintendo console, Tetris has gone on to become quite the popular video game. While it has its moments of difficulty, the latest footage of game play has left viewers mind-boggled, to say the least.

In a fascinating video that's "said to be shot in real-time," a skilled Tetris player clears 40 lines of blocks within 20 seconds.

According to Mental Floss, the respective feat is known as a "line race." During this type of game play, the player apparently does this to prove that they are top-level players.

In the aforementioned game of Tetris, a player known as Keroco achieved 40 lines in a mere 19.68 seconds, marking the first time somebody is known to have broken the 20-second barrier.

Champion of Tetris Ben Mullen coined it the "greatest achievement in the history of gaming."

Keroco's amazing achievement, which seemingly took several hours of practice to pull off, went viral this week, and a Reddit user posted the following message on it:

"I know it's hard to believe it's real-time for someone coming outside the community without hands view or something of the sort, but the fastest players are able to bust out the same speeds in live multiplayer situations," said Kitaru, a Reddit user.