Emily Willis Now: Adult Star Left Paralyzed in Rehab Grappled With Fear of Possible Rare Neurological Disorder Diagnosis

Former adult film star Emily Willis is experiencing a health nightmare with fears she has locked-in syndrome as a result of the medical emergency that struck in late 2023 after she suffered cardiac arrest.
Willis has "lost a huge amount of weight" and is "not in good shape," according to her lawyer, James Morris, speaking to the Daily Star.
Willis, born Litzy Lara Banuelos, went into cardiac arrest while receiving ketamine addiction therapy at the Summit Malibu rehab center in California. When admitted, she weighed around 100 pounds. Her health has worsened since then.
"We haven't received all the medical records yet. We've ordered them and as soon as we see them we'll be able to see what the neurologist on charge or at the hospital that day had to say about her condition, and whether or not she does have the locked-in syndrome," Morris said.
"But yes, we are investigating that and drilling down on that. We are aware that it is certainly a possibility."
Locked-in syndrome is a very rare neurological disorder in which a patient can not only be awake and aware but also fully conscious but unable to move or communicate verbally due to complete paralysis of voluntary muscles in nearly all parts of the body except for the eyes.
Emily Willis' Sues Summit Malibu
Willis' family filed a lawsuit against Summit Malibu, claiming the treatment facility neglected her in the days before her heart stopped. In the lawsuit, it is stated that a nurse practitioner discovered her unresponsive on Feb. 4, 2024.
Emergency responders conducted CPR for as long as 40 minutes before a pulse was created, but the damage had been done, and being shorn of oxygen for so long during his ordeal left Willis with grievous disabilities.
"And so her physical condition is not good, her mental condition is unknown, but she's still here. I think that in and of itself says something about her resilience and her desire to live," Morris said.
The family set up a GoFundMe to help with the costs of Willis's care, and it has raised more than $100,000 so far.
Experts are still assessing Willis to learn how much neurological impairment is associated with her condition. Summit Malibu, on the other hand, has not returned comment requests on the claims.