Tonight sky gazers can take in the sight of NASA LADEE Moon Mission as the Minotaur V blazes across the East Coast via live stream.

Set for liftoff at 11:27 p.m., the rockets trajectory will make it visible throughout the East Coast. Traveling at 10 to 15 degrees above the horizon, the Minotaur V will be visible to residents from Maine to South Carolina and those living as far west as Buffalo, according to The Atlantic Cities.

"You'll see a bright streak depending on where you are," said Simon Worden, NASA Ames Center director, according to ABC. "It should be quite visible up to 10 to 20 degrees above the horizon."

Check out NASA's viewing map in order to see how far above the horizon the rocket will be when viewed from your city.

The rocket will ignite at the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, marking the first time the state has been the staging ground for a moon mission. LADEE, which stands for Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer, is a robotic device that will help to examine the moons thin atmosphere, according to ABC.

Following a six-month mission in orbit around the lunar body, LADEE will crash into the moon.

Find out more about LADEE's mission by following the device's NASA run twitter @NASALADEE.

If you can't make it out or live outside the viewing area, NASA's Ustream site will broadcast the launch and provide information on the mission starting at 9:30 p.m.

Live streaming video by Ustream
