Sprite For Hangovers: Cure For Unideal Alcoholic Beverage Feeling Found In Lemon-Lime Soda? VIDEO & Details
A recent study revealed that an optimal remedy for a hangover is the popular soda Sprite.
According to CBS, the research, which was reported in the September issue of Food and Function, indicated that chemicals in the non-caffeinated drink can stop the less than ideal feeling one gets after indulging in too many adult beverages.
The study was done on 57 different drinks, including several teas, carbonated drinks and Huo ma ren (hemp-seed based drink).
"These results are a reminder that herbal and other supplements can have pharmaceutical activities that can both harm and benefit our health," University of Exeter medical expert Edzard Ernst told Chemistry World.
While the herbal teas were found to have slowed down the process of a hangover, the lemon-lime soda and its carbonation were able to speed up ALDH activity, which curbs the sick feeling.
When the liver breaks down alcohol, it creates many chemical byproducts, one that's called acetaldehyde, which causes the feelings of being hung over.
The study also showed that when the body processes alcohol it produces more urine, leading the individual to become more dehydrated.
Alcohol can also irritate the stomach lining, resulting in lower levels of blood sugar and expansion of blood vessels, leading to headaches.