There are numerous ways to get easy money fast in Grand Theft Auto 5 as long as you know the right strategies for doing so.

One of the more physical ways to get money fast is to rob armored vehicles. When driving through Los Santos, armored trucks appear as blips on the minimap. To collect money from these trucks, simply shoot the driver and blow the back doors open using either a gun or C4.

You can easily earn over $5,000 from just one armored truck. The only trick is that you must avoid being caught by the cops at all cost.

For more legal strategies, you can make your character invest in the stock market. When you complete the main story game, invest in Merryweather Security. The Merryweather stock is very low after you complete the game but investing right away will result in a very profitable return after a few days.

Purchasing properties in Los Santos can also lead to a big income. There are 25 properties in total that can be purchased in total throughout Los Santos and many of them will give you a solid income. Click here to see a list of all 25 properties and their respective costs and income.

It is also important to save money whenever possible throughout Grand Theft Auto gameplay. One way to avoid paying unnecessary bills after wrecking your car is through a simple yet effective cheat. After your car has been wrecked, save the game and then reload it. The car will be completely repaired after you reload the game, saving thousands on repair costs.

For more methods for getting easy money in Grand Theft Auto 5, watch the video below:

Grand theft auto 5