For viewers who watched the American Music Awards Sunday night and paid attention to Justin Timberlake, they would've noticed that he was dateless and not accompanied by his wife, Jessica Biel.

So when Biel wasn't on Timberlake's arm on the red carpet or not sitting besides him during the awards show, the internet exploded with rumors that their marriage was on the rocks automatically assuming the worse--separation and divorce.

But Biel unbothered by the rumors still took the time to address the internet waves, by saying that her and Timberlake are just fine.

"I'm watching from home tonight. Calm down, Internet," she tweeted at 10 pm Sunday night.

In March this year, a source revealed to the National Enquirer that Jessica was accusing Justin of "putting his career first" and that she was fed up with his workaholic ways.

And back in October, tabloid magazine Star reported that the 32-year-old singer kissed Thalia, after performing at the Rock in Rio Festival.

Thalia added more fire to the rumors when she uploaded an Instagram video of Timberlake, captioned, "A childhood dream--meet Justin and have him singing a foot in front of you."

Biel reportedly was infuriated by the rumors.

"She flipped out. She's afraid that Justin is incapable of controlling his impulses...Jess is really worried. She wants to believe that he'll be faithful, but it's hard to tune out all the chatter suggesting otherwise," a source told the magazine.

"It's no lie that Jessica is getting sick of all these rumors about her new husband. It's even more annoying because they're very much in love and are talking about starting a family next year. So for him to be linked to a woman who happens to be in the same picture is starting to wear a bit thin. That marriage is sound and anyone who says otherwise doesn't know them."

Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel