Jen Selter, the famous Twitter model and workout expert, posted a new photo of herself on her social media page, showing off what she calls "Monday Motivation."

Jen Selter Poses In Building PHOTO

The new photo shows Selter doing what she does best- working out while showing off the behind that helped turn her into a huge sensation.

The model is wearing tight Nike sweats accentuating her backside and muscular legs. She is squatting down as she pulls a weight towards her muscular, yet petite figure.

Jen Selter Strikes Bridge Pose PHOTO

Selter captioned the photo, "#MondayMotivation."

While Selter is known for her body and exercise techniques, she's also known for her mysterious personal life, something she alludes to on her Twitter account as well. Whether she has trouble with friends, family or a relationship, the model tends to portray that she is always skeptical about something in her life.

"People always suddenly miss you more once they see how much happier you are without them," Selter wrote on Monday.

On Sunday night, she wrote, "Don't let irrelevant people get to you."

Selter also linked a Facebook account to her Twitter of someone named Marcy Bauer who apparently posts R-rated status updates. Selter seemed to find this strange since she captioned the link, "people these days..."

The Twitter model was also recently in a photo shoot for Vanity Fair where she showed off a more old-fashioned side of herself with elegant clothing and a pinup hairstyle.

Jen Selter