Miriam Weeks, the porn star known as "Belle Knox," who is also a student at Duke University, wrote her first blog for The Huffington Post with a through explanation on sex workers and how she's being assumed by others as "pitiable."

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The blog that was published on Monday starts off with an email that Weeks received from a man in Colorado. The message tells Weeks how she probably would've chosen a different job to pay for her college tuition if she had "other socially acceptable skills to market."

Weeks then describes her thoughts on that theory involving how people are taking it into consideration that her support for porn is invalid because she's doing it for the money.

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"They act as though this is some shocking victory for them because being a sex worker wasn't my dream job-- because as a little girl I didn't write 'I want to be a porn star' on career day, or excitedly tell everyone around me about how excited I was to someday have sex on camera for money," Weeks wrote.

She also says that since porn wasn't her ideal job, it's being labeled as "morally wrong."

Weeks gives more detail on how she's mainly doing porn because it pays as does any other job. She also recalls that during a class lecture, a student asked her if she would still do porn if she wasn't getting paid for it to which Weeks responded, "No."

The student and X-rated actress finishes her blog by saying that no one should pity her considering that others use "desperate exchange" when they go to work as well.

Miriam Weeks Belle Knox