Miriam Weeks, the student at Duke University and porn actress, has made herself a sensation lately with her discussions on feminism and women working in the sex industry, but now she's revealed more scandalous scoop on what she does in the X-rated business.

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On Monday, Guyism posted an interview with the porn star who also goes by "Belle Knox" where she mentioned what it's like to have thousands of men and women get turned on while watching her videos.

"It makes me feel pretty damn great that people are masturbating to me," Weeks said. "I'm giving people [the] wonderful gift of orgasm! Yay!"

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The actress exposed another dirty secret about herself, revealing the strangest place she's ever been "intimate" with someone.

"The strangest place I've ever had sex was at a graveyard on Halloween night," Weeks said. "We f---ed on top of the stone graves. It was bizarre and I definitely did not get off!"

Despite admitting some enticing details on what she enjoys in her work life, Weeks mentioned what it's like for her to receive so much public attention ever since she was outed as a porn star. She said that the best part is that she feels like she started a dialogue about society's mistreatment of sex workers.

"This is truly exciting!" Weeks said. "I think that my experience -- especially the harassment and death threats and public humiliation I have faced -- and the fact that I'm speaking so openly about it all -- has really shocked people."

Miriam Weeks Belle Knox