The rainbow Oreo cookie debuted yesterday to support the gay community.

Oreo posted the photo on Facebook with the message "Proudly support love!" and "June 25, PRIDE," featuring a cookie with six times the filling with each color of the rainbow.

As of Tuesday, more than 194,000 people liked the cookie and nearly 30,000 commented on it, but not everyone was supportive.

Oreo is made by Kraft, the world's second-largest foodmaker.

“Will not be buying Oreos again," one person said on Facebook. Others quoted Bible verses and few more called to boycott the snack.

But most comments were supportive of Oreo.

"Wonderful, Oreo. You have done a great service through this not-so-small act. I'm liking your page and buying some Oreos for my two girls. The hell with those who don't like it!" wrote one user.

Echoing that user, many people said they would buy the famous cookies to show support for the company. But that led other people to question the company's motives.

"Whoah!! hell no!! freakin oreo.... what a smart way to make money," one person commented on Facebook.

Oreo celebrated its 100th anniversary this year as the world's top selling biscuit, according to the company's website.
