Valeria Lukayonva, also known as "Human Barbie," is apparently taking on a healthier yet strange lifestyle in a video she posted of her makeup-free face and tiny torso.

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The Ukranian model has made herself a massive trademark in reports where she's apparently said that she was an alien, and that she was practicing "Breatharianism," a lifestyle that involves surviving on light and air without food. It's unclear at this point if Lukyanova has succeeded in this practice, but she is still able to go about her life in a video published on Wednesday that shows her at the gym and going for jogs.

The model posts random shots of herself in mirror selfies, displaying the small measurements of her waist with larger curves in her chest. There are moments where she appears to be jogging as the camera closes in on her cleavage as well as shots where she has less makeup on while looking into a mirror.

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Dance music is played throughout the video, which shows other random tidbits, including the ocean, buildings and shots of her shadow. There is also a point where her hair flows in front of her face as she wears sunglasses and starts speaking into the camera, although her words don't appear to be in English.

Despite the video having its odd moments, it looks like the model is doing what she can to stay healthy where she records herself jogging. As the video comes to a close, she's running with more of her cleavage exposed as she seems to be enjoying herself.

Check out the video below.

Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova