Miriam Weeks 'Belle Knox' Duke Porn Star: X-Rated Actress's Male Answer Is Anonymous 'Prince Charming' At Columbia? [VIDEO[
Porn star Miriam Weeks, who attends Duke University, may have found herself in a bizarre situation ever since an anonymous student from a different college reportedly claimed to be her male answer.
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On Wednesday, New York Daily News reported that a student from Columbia has revealed himself as a male escort (as well as a 'Prince Charming'), who earns money by giving women romance. He has supposedly earned $15,000 for an all-expenses paid trip to Tuscany.
His rate is reportedly at $1,200 for four hours with a woman that includes dinner and sex.
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"I'm a Boyfriend Experience escort literally marketed to create the illusion of a romantic relationship," he wrote to the Columbia Lion. "Most of my clientele comprises neglected wives, divorced mothers, and shy women who have a hard time connecting."
The Lion's editors have made it clear that the anonymous person is indeed a male who attends Columbia.
This mysterious man could have some sort of connection with the Duke student who goes by "Belle Knox" as her X-rated name considering she attends college while experiencing a racy life outside of school.
Weeks has received a wild reputation ever since she was outed as a porn star, where she's revealed her views on feminism and the horrific situations that other people have slammed her for.
"I have had a lot of critique come to me kind of from the anti-porn feminists of Duke, and sometimes there's a way to get your point out there," Weeks said in an interview with FOX 411. "And I totally appreciate opinions, I love when people can argue with me or whatever, but there's a way to do it without attacking my personal character."