Porn star Miriam Weeks might have an issue with Pakistan after they reportedly censored her Twitter photos.

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On Tuesday, Forbes announced that Abdul Batin of the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority made a request to the Twitter team to block "unethical links," including videos and photos from Weeks's page.

The X-rated actress who goes by "Belle Knox" wrote an email on how she felt about this situation, explaining where she believes Batin's issue is coming from.

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"I believe Mr. Batin has a problem with me because for whatever reason, I am his poster child: a woman with her own agency and free expression, some icon of perceived cultural degeneration that he feels he can censor to feel better about himself," Weeks wrote.

The actress continued with her message, giving details on how she is not who she is perceived to be, and will stick up for herself and other people involved in adult entertainment.

"If he thinks I am a soft target, he's going to be surprised," Weeks wrote. "I stand up for sex workers, and will continue to do so because I feel that often, we're disregarded as casualties. That said, my own curtailment of free expression in Pakistan seems very small on the greater world stage, where political groups based in sovereign countries are being silenced."

Weeks also wrote a tweet on Wednesday to her fans in Pakistan:

"Shout out to all my fans in Pakistan : the PTA might not like me, but I like you! <3"

Miriam Weeks Belle Knox