Any pregnant woman can attest to how hard it can be to work while carrying a child, but for television show and movie actresses, it can occasionally be even more difficult.

While some actresses over the years have opted to work pregnancies into storylines, several have not included their real-life pregnancy in the storyline of their character. The decision to not keep the storylines intertwined can result in some incredibly crafty maneuvers by costumers, cinematographers, writers, directors, and of course, the actresses themselves, to ensure that their pregnancy is not part of the show.

While some were easily able to disguise and hide bumps through costuming thanks to a period theme or winter setting, other required much more creativity, and occasionally even changes in entire storylines to accommodate the actress' real-life state. In some cases for television shows, however, seasons and character plotlines had to ultimately be cut short because it became too difficult to keep the pregnancies hidden.

Enstars compiled a list of eight celebrities whose pregnancies were covered up in different ways on either television show or movie sets. Scroll through the attached photo gallery to see just a handful of ones who needed a little help keeping it a secret.

Celebrity baby