Obama Birth Certificate FORGERY: Claims Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Arizona sheriff investigators have just declared that certain information on President Barack Obama's birth certificate is indeed fraudulent. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio made the shocking announcement yesterday in regards to the fraudulent findings and claims that investigators are positive about the undesired results.
Members of Marcicopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's group claim that as early back as March of this year there was strong reason to believe that the President's long-form birth certificate that was disclosed by the White House in April was actually a computer generated forgery.
Chief Investigator Mark Zullo said that there were numeric codes that indicated certain parts of the birth certificate were not finished. Another words, the sections that asked for Obama's birth information were not filled out. Yet the ethnic, work and study backgrounds of the President's father were actually completed.
Zullo, who previously did not know what the codes had meant, was taught their meaning by a 95 year-old former state worker, who signed the Obama birth certificate. Allegedly, a news reporter conducted an interview with the elderly retired worker; which ultimately led to the fraudulent find.
In a statement and according to the Daily Mail, the Arizona Democratic Party has come to the defense of the President. Hence, it feels as though Arpaio and his people conducted the investigation simply to draw attention away from there inconsistency in regards to a hundred or so reported sex-crime cases.
Hawaiian and state officials also came to Obama's aid and continue to confirm Obama's citizenship.
"President Obama was born in Honolulu and his birth certificate is valid," Joshua A. Wisch, a special assistant to Hawaii's attorney general said, according to the Daily Mail.
"Regarding the latest allegations from a sheriff in Arizona, they are untrue, misinformed, and misconstrue Hawaii law," Wisch also said according to the Daily Mail.
When questioned about the results of the apparently false document, the Obama team declined comment.
Nevermind terrorism, I wouldn't be surpised if Obama declared this the war on Birthers!