Juan Pablo Galavis, Nikki Ferrell Still Together: Former 'Bachelor' Couple Encounter Delays, Missed Flights As They Return To Seperate Homes [VIDEO]
Juan Pablo Galavis and Nikki Ferrell have officially returned to the states after a trip to Bali, and while the two are still living apart Ferrell was glad to be home.
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"Delayed in Bali, spent the night in Hong King, missed my flight in LA…" lamented the season 18 winner of ABC's The Bachelor on Twitter Tuesday.
When the star did finally manage to get back, she didn't head to Galavis' place in Florida. Instead, she happily returned to her own apartment. "Finally landed in KC #home #36hrslater (white girl dance)," she tweeted.
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While Ferrell is finally relaxing back at her own place, Galavis is not so lucky. The star is still out on the road, struggling to get back to Miami. "How about a CHANGE of airplane cause a LEAK? #AmIGettingHomeSomeday," he tweeted late Wednesday night. It is uncertain whether Galavis accompanied Ferrell back home before flying to Florida, or whether he encountered the same Bali and Hong Kong trouble Ferrell faced. The latter seems most likely, as his flight-tweets seem to almost overlap with her own and Ferrell boasted no time with her beau upon returning to her apartment.
Ferrell's brother had been living with her up until a few weeks ago when he returned to college, and so it's just been Ferrell and her dog for the last month or so. With Galavis still so far away and things getting increasingly serious, it may be time for the couple to rethink the distance between them.