She's known for dissing ex-boyfriends and other enemies in her songs, but Taylor Swift's latest ex is still reportedly surprised that the singer still feels the need to talk about him.

In her recent Rolling Stone interview to promote her upcoming pop album 1989, Swift admitted she hadn't dated since Styles-who she broke up with in early 2013.

"Like, I have not gone on a date. People are going to feel sorry for me when you write that. But it's true," Swift said. "I feel like watching my dating life has become a bit of a national pastime. And I'm just not comfortable providing that kind of entertainment anymore."

"I don't like seeing slide shows of guys I've apparently dated. I don't like giving comedians the opportunity to make jokes about me at awards shows," she added. "I don't like it when headlines read 'Careful Bro, She'll Write a Song About You,' because it trivialized my work. And most of all, I don't like how all these factors add up to build the pressure so high in a new relationship that it gets snuffed out before it even has a chance to start. I just don't date."

As a result, songs that Swift reportedly wrote about an ex on her new album are all presumed to be about Styles, and the fact that the One Direction singer's name still comes up in conversations about Swift is reportedly shocking for him.

"Harry is actually surprised he's still a topic of conversation for Taylor," a source told Hollywood Life. "He never realized how much he hurt her, and if singing about her heartbreak makes her feel better, than that's cool. But he thinks it's more of a gimmick to sell records."

"He totally respects her and doesn't have any bad feelings for her," the source added. "He's just surprised that his name still comes up for her in interviews. That's all. He only wishes her happiness."

Taylor Swift, Harry Styles