Celebrities Veterans Day: President Obama, Sarah Jessica Parker, Neil Patrick Harris & Others Praise Troops
It’s Veterans Day – a day when the phrase "Thank you for your service" is said more often than usual. Many celebrities and public figures took some time to praise the men and women who sacrificed their time to serve the country.
See some of their tweets below:
"We’ll have your backs—just like you had ours." —President Obama. Happy Veterans Day. pic.twitter.com/gy0APQFIy4
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) November 11, 2014
Today, we salute the brave men and women who keep us safe each and every day. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. #VeteransDay –mo
— The First Lady (@FLOTUS) November 11, 2014
To all the brave men and women who have served our nation, thank you, and happy Veterans Day. pic.twitter.com/uQXC5dKd55
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) November 11, 2014
It's Veterans Day. Sincere thanks to all those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces for protecting our country. I salute you.
— Neil Patrick Harris (@ActuallyNPH) November 11, 2014
Hey sending love and much respect to any #veterans on this Veterans Day. My father served in Korea. Thank you for your service!
— Melissa Etheridge (@metheridge) November 11, 2014
"The willingness of America's veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude" Happy Veteran's Day
— bella thorne (@bellathorne) November 11, 2014
Thank you to the brave men and women who have and continue to protect and defend #veteransday #usa… https://t.co/tCpNDJZFev
— Shannen Doherty (@DohertyShannen) November 11, 2014
Veterans I hope you feel the gratitude of this country every day & today it's just a little louder. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE AND SACRIFICE
— Connie Britton (@conniebritton) November 11, 2014
Want to support #Vets this #VetsDay2014 but don't know where to start? Check out @IAVA's events map https://t.co/IK7bA89dU5. #VetsRising x,Sj
— Sarah Jessica Parker (@SJP) November 11, 2014
Thank you for protecting our freedom. #veteransday #thankful https://t.co/sfvzHbxy8s
— Tiffani Thiessen (@TAThiessen) November 11, 2014
Thank you to all those who have served our country and continue to keep us safe #VeteransDay
— Ben Savage (@BenSavage) November 11, 2014
Sending love, respect and gratitude to all of our veterans. Happy Veterans Day
— John Legend (@johnlegend) November 11, 2014
#RemembranceDay today let’s remember and thank all the veterans, fallen heroes and all those who served in wars around the world -TeamCeline
— Celine Dion (@celinedion) November 11, 2014
Happy Veteran's Day to all those that are/ were fearless enough to fight for our country including my dad and grandfathers.
— Danielle Brooks (@thedanieb) November 11, 2014
So grateful today and everyday for the extraordinary sacrifice of our service members and their families. Happy Veterans Day!
— Courteney Cox (@CourteneyCox) November 11, 2014
Happy Veterans Day to my dad and all the veterans who have served our country for their sacrifice and… https://t.co/1PiCz2mVIO
— Michael Strahan (@michaelstrahan) November 11, 2014