'Basketball Wives Miami' Cast: Royce Reed Slammed For Taking Son To Hooters, Dwight Howard Claps Back [VIDEO]
The drama between Basketball Wives Miami star Royce Reed and NBA player Dwight Howard has continued as he turns the fire on her amid her claims that he abused their six-year-old son.
Royce Reed Speaks Out After Saying Dwight Howard Whooped Their Son 'Case Was Not Closed'
According to TMZ Wednesday, Howard submitted court documents in which he said he believes Reed is exposing their child, Braylon, to her sexual exploits, including observing her interact with "numerous companions."
What might not help matters is Reed shared a snapshot of her and Braylon at Hooters for his birthday. She shared the picture Tuesday and was hit with a little backlash from her followers.
Dwight Howard Being Investigated For Child Abuse 'Truth Will Come Out'
A photo posted by Royce Reed (@roycereed) on Nov 11, 2014 at 7:35pm PST
One wrote, "Lol hooters? Smh" while another added, "i dunno what your trying to prove to anyone but leave a bad example. what's the coincidences when media started talking about you and your ex you have countless picture and video of Braylon to show the media what type of mother u are."
A source also confirmed that Reed actually threw a birthday party for her son at Monkey Joe's bounce house just hours before and they only stopped by Hooters to eat. They added Reed has not had men coming and going from her house and he has never been exposed to sexual interactions. Still, Reed caught wind of the backlash and took to Instagram to point out that Hooters has a kids menu. She also called out Howard's attorneys on Instagram and made it clear that "Every statement you post will make you look worse..."
A photo posted by Royce Reed (@roycereed) on Nov 11, 2014 at 11:00am PST
A photo posted by Royce Reed (@roycereed) on Nov 11, 2014 at 11:58am PST
The Houston Rockets player is also said to have claimed that the photo is just another example that proves his point.
Howard's rep told the site, "Dwight isn't going to engage in the back and forth about his son in the media. He only wishes that his mother would do the same and protect the boy instead of exposing him."
Howard is currently under investigation for child abuse after Reed said he whooped their son with a belt buckle. The two are also in the middle of a custody battle.