Chris Brown News: ‘Loyal’ Singer Speaks Out About Situation In Ferguson, ‘[We] Need Justice To Be Done’ [VIDEO]
Chris Brown rarely chimes in on major issues in the country, but the singer took to Instagram to share his thoughts on the situation in Ferguson regarding Michael Brown.
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Brown's Instagram post speaking out about the situation in Ferguson is now among those of many celebrities speaking out about the situation.
In Brown's Instagram post he uses a photo of Michael Brown in his graduation cap and gown and in the text he divulges, "I usually don't say too much s--- on really sensitive subjects but this is beyond f---ed up."
The post is below, but Brown continues to open up his thoughts on the matter to say, "We as a black community and me as a young black troubled individual need justice to be done."
He also made the point that "more effective ways of protesting" need to happen.
Brown said, "We are strong and powerful."
He also mentioned "Just because u are given a badge and a gun doesn't mean you are invincible and not accountable for your actions. May God be with us all. #justiceforMIKEBROWN".
Monday night it was revealed that Darren Wilson would walk free after having shot and killed Brown in August. The St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert P. McCulloch announced the decision of a grand jury not to indict Wilson.
McCulloch said, "The duty of the grand jury is to separate fact and fiction. No probable cause exists to file any charges against Darren Wilson."